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Guest Curation – A House

A guest curation by Galeria Gravura Brasileira.


A house as a home, a house as the center of the world. A house is protection, refuge, enclosure, as a place to work, to sleep, to study, to draw, to eat and to love. There we were born and there we´ll die. A house is construction, it´s substance, inclosure, protection, transparency and a point of view. A house is a roof, maybe a debt or a goal. It is history, heritage and dream.


In this series we can see how a few artists translated this process into lyrical, sentimental, architectural and constructive works.

Uma Casa se Levanta no Escuro, Elisa Arruda, Galeria Gravura Brasileira
Casa palida, Elisa Arruda Galeria, Gravura Brasileira
Skinner, Skinner House, Julius Shulman, Taschen
The Meal at Dryas’ House, Marc Chagall, Galerie d'Orsay
Home, Patrick Hughes, Lougher Contemporary
1st days in quarantine, Brooklyn, NY, 2020, Nan Goldin, Lougher Contemporary
My Window (Set of 4) by, David Hockney, Composition Gallery
Jeune fille assise au bouquet de fleurs, Henri Matisse, Galerie d'Orsay
Jungle Kitchen, Jonas Wood, MLTPL
Framework Houses, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Krakow Witkin Gallery
Studio Voltaire Edition, Wolfgang Tillmans, Robert Fontaine Gallery
Modern Interior (Interior Series), Roy Lichtenstein, Zebra One