Home > Dale Carney > Whitechapel Gallery > Trojan Horse
Trojan Horse by Dale Carney

Trojan Horse by Dale Carney

Whitechapel Gallery



Edition Size: 50

Sheet Size: 46 x 34 cm


Condition: Pristine

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Dale Carney makes densely layered canvases where thick accretions of colour and a riot of arcane symbolism express a primeval world of sensation, emotion and fantasy. In this screen print he represents the myth of the wooden horse used by the Greeks to enter and conquer the city of Troy. The innocence of its bright graphic style reinforces the metaphoric implication of the subject matter – this is a seductive gift, contrived under a false pretext, so as to gain entry to alien territory. This work has been included in the Government Art Collection.

Dale Carney was born in Torquay in 1985 and graduated from the University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham in 2008. His work has been included in group exhibitions at the Barbican and London Open [2012] Whitechapel Gallery, London. Carney was awarded the Hans Brinker Budget Trophy in Amsterdam, 2007.

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