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Jerry McLaughlin Biography

Although the words "starving" and "artist" are virtually synonymous in our high-tech, mass-produced world, McLaughlin nevertheless attributes his once lack of commercial success to the style of what he does. "People are put off by it because my paintings have an alien, foreboding, disquieting quality. And I have an interest in science and aliens, in things in other parts of the universe. In other words, in things that aren't popular on living room walls. I'm not interested in painting gumball machines or flowers. My subject matter is frightening, for if we ever faced reality, we'd be forced to admit that at best it's an indifferent universe." McLaughlin's works hang in prestigious private and public collections, including the Art Institute of Chicago, the Philadelphia Museum and the Whitney, The artist was formally represented by the Allen Stone Art Gallery NYC, up until his death in 2002.

American, 1925–2002.