Home > Louise Lawler > Texte zur Kunst > Once There Was A Little Boy And Everything Turned Out Alright. The End.
Once There Was A Little Boy And Everything Turned Out Alright. The End. by Louise Lawler

Once There Was A Little Boy And Everything Turned Out Alright. The End. by Louise Lawler

Texte zur Kunst

Archival Pigment Print


Edition Size: 30 + 10 A.P.

Sheet Size: 15.2 × 11.1 cm

Reference: ISSUE NO. 120 / DECEMBER 2020 "THE FEMINIST"


Condition: Pristine

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The edition that Louise Lawler, a leading representative of what became known as the Pictures Generation, has created for “Texte zur Kunst” uses a two-line text she has revisited and recontextualized several times in her career: “Once there was a little boy and everything turned out alright. THE END.” In this new edition, a photograph of the phrase as a wall installation has been digitally ‘distorted for the times,’ blurring the letters and words into an indistinct dream sequence.



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