Home > Richard Phillips > Texte zur Kunst > Canyons II
Canyons II by Richard Phillips

Canyons II by Richard Phillips

Texte zur Kunst

Archival Pigment Print


Edition Size: 25 + 10 A.P.

Sheet Size: 101.6 x 76.2 cm

Reference: ISSUE NO. 100 / DECEMBER 2015 "THE CANON"


Condition: Pristine

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Richard Phillips (b. 1962, Marblehead, MA) lives and works in New York. Adapting his smooth, pop-inflected painterly engagement with celebrities and other commodities that might be considered iconic of present-day desire, Phillips, here, responds to the controversial reception of his “Playboy Marfa” sculpture (a 12-meter neon bunny commissioned by its namesake publisher) that was installed alongside Texas’s Highway 90 in 2013 until deemed illegal and taken down. With “Canyons II,” Phillips revisits the playboy logo super-imposing it onto an impressionist interpretation of the Mexican serape rug. Once seen as a pure art form and a symbol of Mexican cultural wealth, these rugs now more often taken to be tourist items or connote the “drug rugs” made popular by surf culture. In this print, Phillips plays with “heritage” décor as it relates to the accelerated hoarding of property and wealth associated with art and gentrification in west Texas.



The Artist

Richard Phillips

Born in Marblehead, Massachusetts in 1962 and a resident of New York City, artist Richard Phillips is renowned for his realistic paintings that feature close up portraits. He worked as an art handler in the Guggenheim during the 1990s. His work draws inspiration from the bold style of fashion magazine spreads in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. His intimate approach to portraits explores a variety of themes, including identity, sexuality, politics, desire and objectification.

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