Home > Mariette Lydis

Mariette Lydis Biography

Austria 1887-1970 Argentina

Self-taught artist, she was a painter and graphic artist influenced by the Japanese artist Tsuguharu Foujita.

After traveling to France in 1925, she entered its artistic circles and illustrated ‘The Cloak of Dreams’ by Béla Balázs and ‘Le Petit Jésus’ by Joseph Delteil. She also illustrated authors such as Henry de Montherlant, Paul Valéry, Pierre Louÿs, Paul Verlaine, and Jules Supervielle. When in France, she became a member of the Salon d’Automne and held a solo exhibition at the Galerie Bernheim.
During WWII she fled Paris for Buenos Aires to prepare an exhibition there. in 1948 she returned to France where she illustrated books for Henry de Montherlant, Paul Valéry, Pierre Louÿs, Paul Verlaine, and Jules Supervielle. Eventually, she returned to Buenos Aires.

Her works are displayed in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University and Davidson Galleries in Seattle, Washington.

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