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  • Fall In Love I by Jonathan Yeo

Fall In Love I by Jonathan Yeo

Manifold Editions

Archival Pigment Print


Edition Size: Edition of 45

Sheet Size: 53.9 x 59.6 cm cm


Condition: Pristine

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Fall in Love I and Fall in Love II represent the first publication between Manifold Editions and renowned British portrait artist, Jonathan Yeo. These prints are an extension of Yeo’s Porn Collage series; an ongoing body of work which dates back to the artist’s 2007 collaged portrait of (then) President George W. Bush composed of cut-outs from pornographic magazines. Yeo’s Leaf Works, from which Fall in Love Iand II are inspired, transform the seemingly endearing and romantic image of the heart into something scandalous, whereby on closer inspection the falling leaves reveal themselves as fragmented genitalia from pornographic magazines. Through these works, Yeo intends to challenge viewers’ predispositions towards pornography, as well as commenting on its place in society, in that it has almost become invisible in its pervasiveness.



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